Before I applied to Goddard, I considered the 100% online MFA offered through The Academy of Art in San Fransisco. I could be an asynchronous grad student, pursuing the MFA of the 21st century! The practical aspects were very reasonable and persuasive- no requests for time off from work or travel expenses required. Hmmm... Would I want a totally online peer group? I don't even text. Would I be happy doing this degree without meeting a fellow fairgoer? My interior shouted nononononononoo...There were many interesting, inspiring, caring and creative people at Goddard. There were some who flew beyond my radar. And suddenly, there were 4.

A few facts about 4:
First, there was Linka, pulling her suitcase wheelie in the periphery of my confused-student check-in at the Help desk. Where do I go first? Where is my dorm? Where is my single room? Where am I? If the truth is that wherever you go, there you are, my GPS was roaming wildly. Linka was my first fixed point of reference; a tall, smiling, slinky woman in black strappy platform sandals, skillfully negotiating the ruts and puddles of Thursday's downpours. We were both assigned to the Stokes dorm, relieved to settle in and exchange stories. Linka can slink her way through the muck of life in those high heels, so I call her Miss Shoes.
I met Tammy at the first Goddard "feed". Dining with 11 other people I've never met before that day was strange. 12 artists reaching across the geography of the table and our hometowns to connect the dots of our experiences was exhilarating. Tammy is warm and breezy, with the voice of the south; extra syllables and hilarious vernacular flow in an earthy rhythm. I was immediately drawn to her confidence and grounded clarity.
It seems as if Jennifer just suddenly reappeared, as if she were a friend I hadn't seen in all these years. Graceful and articulate, spiritual and intellectual, she physically embraces you, offering insight and empathy. Jenn and her notebook were inseparable for most of the week, joyfully logging our idioms and axioms. My first contribution was: "You learned to drive, you can learn to draw." Tammy's "shit kittens" was a group favorite. Linka's "Ship of Theseus" closed our residency. Jenn holds up a mirror and reminds you to love yourself.
To Linka, Jennifer and Tammy: Time, proximity, storytelling, hugs, intellect, wisdom, respect, laughter, crying, metaphysics and swearing converged. I am honored to be a part of our luxurious abundance. You have given me more than I needed, you gave me what I wanted.
- Four is the only number in the English language for which the number letters in its name is equal to its numerical value.
- The mammalian heart consists of four chambers.
- There are four human blood groups (A, B, O, AB).
- People have four canines, four incisors and four wisdom teeth.
- Most furniture has four legs.
- The four color process (CMYK) is used for printing.
- A four-letter word is used to describe most swear words in the English language, as most do possess four letters.
- Four rules : addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
- Four Greek classical elements (fire, air, water, earth).
- Four seasons : spring, summer, autumn, winter.
- Four parts of a day : night, morning, afternoon, evening.
- Four cardinal directions : north, south, east, west.
- Four Temperaments : sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic.
- Four Humors : blood, yellow bile, black bile, phlegm.
- Four suits of playing cards : hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades.
- Four estates : politics, administration, judiciary, journalism.
- The Fantastic Four: Mr. Fantastic, The Invisible Woman, The Human Torch, and The Thing.
- The four Matriarchs of Judaism are Sarah, Rebeccah, Leah, and Rachel.
- The Four Arch Angels in Islam are: Jibraeel (Gabriel), Mikaeel (Michael), Izraeel (Azrael), and Israfil (Raphael)
- There are Four Cups of Wine to drink, Four Questions to be asked, Four Sons to be dealt with, Four Expressions of Redemption to be said at Passover.
- The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism.
- Four canonical Christian Gospels, attributed to the Four Evangelists (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)
- Four horsemen of the Apocalypse : war, famine, pestilence, death.
- Four rivers in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:10–14): Pishon (perhaps the Jaxartes or Syr Darya), Gihon (perhaps the Oxus or Amu Darya), Hiddekel (Tigris), and P'rat (Euphrates)
First, there was Linka, pulling her suitcase wheelie in the periphery of my confused-student check-in at the Help desk. Where do I go first? Where is my dorm? Where is my single room? Where am I? If the truth is that wherever you go, there you are, my GPS was roaming wildly. Linka was my first fixed point of reference; a tall, smiling, slinky woman in black strappy platform sandals, skillfully negotiating the ruts and puddles of Thursday's downpours. We were both assigned to the Stokes dorm, relieved to settle in and exchange stories. Linka can slink her way through the muck of life in those high heels, so I call her Miss Shoes.
I met Tammy at the first Goddard "feed". Dining with 11 other people I've never met before that day was strange. 12 artists reaching across the geography of the table and our hometowns to connect the dots of our experiences was exhilarating. Tammy is warm and breezy, with the voice of the south; extra syllables and hilarious vernacular flow in an earthy rhythm. I was immediately drawn to her confidence and grounded clarity.
It seems as if Jennifer just suddenly reappeared, as if she were a friend I hadn't seen in all these years. Graceful and articulate, spiritual and intellectual, she physically embraces you, offering insight and empathy. Jenn and her notebook were inseparable for most of the week, joyfully logging our idioms and axioms. My first contribution was: "You learned to drive, you can learn to draw." Tammy's "shit kittens" was a group favorite. Linka's "Ship of Theseus" closed our residency. Jenn holds up a mirror and reminds you to love yourself.
To Linka, Jennifer and Tammy: Time, proximity, storytelling, hugs, intellect, wisdom, respect, laughter, crying, metaphysics and swearing converged. I am honored to be a part of our luxurious abundance. You have given me more than I needed, you gave me what I wanted.

1 comment:
There is a fluidity here in your words that mirrors your speaking voice- one that requires attention and offers absorption. Similar to the line drawn in the air on a dark July the Fourth with a sparkler's lighted sputtering flicker- tracings demand attention and then softly fade as the thoughts are left to resonate within my mind. Well said-- all of it.
I add my, "Me Too!"
Linka sending love
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